Tuesday 24 May 2016


Group Assignment 1

Salman Mohamed Abdalla Bashir    ID: 110045307
Amro Abelfatah Moahamed               ID: 110042849
Salah Omer Bashashwan                     ID: 110040079
 Logical Mind Map www

Logical Mind Map Brain

Essay “WWW=Brain”
The World Wide Web (www) is an information space where documents and other web resources are identified by URLs, interlinked by hypertext links, and can be accessed via the Internet. It has become known simply as the Web. The World Wide Web was central to the development of the Information Age and is the primary tool billions of people use to interact on the Internet.
The World Wide Web (www) is a means to exchange information on the internet. It uses a programmer known as a browser. A number of browsers are available for working on the web. Two most widely used browsers are Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. These display multimedia objects in a special format known as hypertext.
Hypertext is written in a special language known as hypertext mark-up language. Browsers are consumers that communicate with servers and display a home page. The home page contains highlighted words and objects known as hypertext links or simply hyperlinks. Clicking on a hyperlink directs the browser to another hypertext. Each hypertext has a unique address called uniform resource locator (URL). The URL takes a form like. Here, http; // identifies the hypertext format of the text and the communication of the format is governed by a hypertext transfer protocol (http). Each computer on the internet has an IP address.
In the present Web, spreading activation is only partially implemented, since a user normally selects nodes and links sequentially, one at a time, and not in parallel like in the brain. Thus, “activation” does not really spread to all neighboring nodes, but follows a linear path.
In the human brain, knowledge, information and meaning are developed through a procedure of associative learning: conceptions that are regularly met together turn out to be more strongly linked. At the present days, learning in the Web only takes place through the intermediary of the user: when a maintainer of a web site about a particular subject finds other web documents related to that subject, they will usually add links to those documents on the site. When many site maintainers are constantly scanning the Web for associated material, and producing new links when they discover something interesting, the net effect is that the Web as a whole effectively experiences some kind of associative learning.
The human body is divided into many different parts called organs. Our brain is the organ that is designed to control our body. The Brain has internal functions, such as memorizing, thinking, inventing, searching and making decisions that carry messages, information and they are active repositories of knowledge- this is similar to that of the internet. Moreover, there is another communication between the Web and the Brain. The brain has neurons firing across synopsis which helps it to connect with the other parts and the Web uses hypertext links to connect one page to others. All in all, there are many ways how the web is similar to the human brain. The web has a lot of knowledge and information stored and the human brain is the source for all that information. However, the human brain has invented the web and will always be superior and better than the web in many ways.

Random Words Association
The problem: convincing people that the web is beneficial
Random word: social
Associative words:
1.     Messages
2.     Blogs
3.     Information
4.     Communication
5.     Skills
6.     Entertainment
7.     Studies
8.     Friends
9.     Networking
10.                        Websites
11.                        Activities
12.                        Media
1.     Messages- sending and receiving different messages from relatives, friends and family.
2.     Blogs- is a personal online journal that is frequently updated and planned for general public intake, it help people to share their ideas.
3.     Information- is to get informs, an answer to a question, as well as that from which knowledge and data can be resulting.
4.     Communication- the imparting or exchanging of information or news , connection between people or places.
5.     Skills- help to learn more and new skills through the internet.
6.     Entertainment- entertain people and yourself by surfing web and listen to music, watch movies.
7.     Studies-  can help centralize the collective knowledge of an entire class to make studying and communicating more efficient for everyone.
8.     Friends- easy to make new friends through sites.
9.     Networking- interact with other people to exchange information and develop contacts, especially to further one’s career.
10.                        Websites- build your website in minutes using our easy-to-use website builder. Our professionally designed website templates allow you to personalize your website
11.                        Activates- get to know activities happening around you from the web.
12.                        Media- the online media is very powerful these days in spreading messages all across the world.

Keywords: Social Media and Mind
Title: The effect of the web towards our society.
Description: Juxtaposition is a literary technique in which two or more ideas, places, characters and their actions are placed side by side in a narrative or a poem for purpose of developing comparisons and contrasts two selected word from the generated word is Book and Internet.
The billboards are perfect examples of juxtaposition. The first one is a social awareness notable that inspire people to use their brain in meaningful way such as reading books rather than browsing in social networking sites, while the second notable inspire people to browsing the web by contribution good price deals. The presence of these two billboards together with each is definitely not going to be good for the first billboard. Currently, most people are addicted to the Internet; the web. The phrase “60 mins FREE” will be more eye catching for them than “say NO to internet”.

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