Tuesday 24 May 2016

logical mind map


Salman Mohamed Abdalla Bashir       ID: 110045307
salah omar bahashwan                         ID: 110040079
amro abdelfatah mohamed                   ID:110042849


§  Logical mind map (leadership )
§  Logical mind map(LUCT)
§  Essay ON myself as leadership
§  Random Words Association
§  Juxtaposition With Description Below
§  1-Logical Mind Map (Leadership)

fj§  2- Logical mind map(LUCT)

myself as a leadership
Awesome Leaders are made, not conceived”. Individuals can be pioneers through the procedure of instructing, learning and perception as accepted by “Behavioral Theories”. Preparing, practice and experience after some time makes an individual build up their initiative aptitudes. Nonetheless, great pioneers will dependably look for circumstance that will help them learn new skills.There are three qualities that made a decent pioneer. The primary of these is having the capacity to convey. To be a decent pioneer one likewise should be interested in change. This is one of the conspicuous variables that occur in life including territories where we work however has remained emphatically opposed by humanity. However powerful authority requests that we envision all progressions whether minor or major and react to them instantly to permit development to happen. On other hand anyway, it is likewise critical to see a percentage of the traits connected with awful initiative in life to dodge them totally when one is yearning to be a pioneer. Keeping in mind the end goal to be a pioneer one ought to abstain from being a mate manager. This character is typically shown when a trough make mates as opposed to being a pioneer in the wake of neglecting to gain the acknowledgment of a pioneer amongst representatives. Specialists hold it that supervisors can never be pals with their representatives; indeed their energy and power are constantly killed by fellowships. Such connections are constantly known not the objectivity of a pioneer and thwart his/her capacity to right practices, delegate and to consider representatives responsible for their obligations, oversights or commissions.
As a man endeavor to climb the stepping stool of good authority, it is essential to stay away from disruption at working environment in light of the fact that such conduct dependably prompts having representatives without course quite recently like their pioneers. Truth be told disarranged pioneers don’t generally direct their groups appropriately on the grounds that they don’t convey and deal with their arrangements and methods properly.
The second trademark is having fearlessness. Pioneers dependably remain solitary yet they require mettle to settle on choice that will be the best for their association. They ought to be mindful that each choice they make will have a decent or an awful effect on their organization . Having valor is truly an imperative trademark they have to create in the event that they need to be fruitful pioneer.
The third and the last are quietude and vicinity. Pioneers should constantly consider human approach in managing the individuals under them. They must have the capacity to talk and being a decent audience to their kin. When they remember these, they will pick up appreciation from their kin. Regarded pioneers dependably have fair individuals that work under them.
Eventually in life everybody picks up a chance to characterize themselves as a “Pioneer”. With respect to me, it all began since i was in secondary school when I was chosen either by understudies or instructors as the head of class furthermore positions like President of Student Council and Varsity Club President. At that age I have better relational abilities then my companions and have high support that inspires them to choose me as their pioneer. While in college, I have been dynamic in Student Council and numerous different clubs and occasions where more often than not I was chosen as the pioneer of the group and the coordinator of the occasions. After graduation, I will started working in the field of Information Technology and later ideally in the wake of picking up a great deal of experience i will be named as Network Manager in the organization I work.
Being designated as a pioneer in this prosperity set up college won’t be a simple undertaking for me. I will need to turn out with new thoughts in enhancing the support of the understudy and also keeping up the notoriety of LUCT as the most innovative higher learning organization in Malaysia. As a matter of first importance, a thing that I will hope to is the understudies themselve who are the results of the LUCT. The higher quality they are, the more individuals will believe this organization. To make them of a fantastic, we ought to give them great administration so they can appreciate and agreeable in learning and communicating their inventiveness. It is not a simple procedure to recognize and draw out every understudy’s ability and imaginative thoughts .
To realize what they require, as a pioneer I have to listen and interface with the whole understudies in LUCT. To connect with a huge number of them need a legitimate way so I propose framing an understudy board. A couple of understudies will be the delegate for the entire understudies to raise their issues and thoughts to the administration side. So we can make a move to discover answers for their issue and taking their thoughts to enhance our administration.
Also, LUCT square will be involved with understudies, teachers and all the staffs particularly in lunch hour. More often than not, the spot is not deficient to defeat the quantity of understudies that are utilizing the territory. So I recommend that more seats and tables must be included. I likewise recommend that there will be an understudy corner at the square which will be possessed with receiver and speaker so understudies who needs to express their musings about current issues or anything. This is a stage to urge understudies to give discourse in front their universities to help up their sure level.
Thirdly, I will concentrate on the administration of this establishment. I will verify the staff will handle understudy’s issue adequately. To make the staff more proficient in their employment, I propose making it mandatory for each staff to go to talk and preparing on administration once in a year. This is on the grounds that I accept that great administration will dependably give great notoriety to the establishment.
Fourthly, is the lacking auto parking garage. As we probably am aware the vast majority of the understudies stay a long way from the college, so a large portion of them go by their own particular autos. I propose that enhancing the stopping territory by extending and giving more space. Deficient parking garage will set aside a few minutes discovering auto stopping and reason them to be late for their classes and subsequently missing the class.
Ultimately, as an inventive and creative college, I recommend enhancing the offices inside the organization. The PC labs should dependably be upgrade with new programming in accordance with the saying of the college as imaginative college so the understudies are constantly presented to present and new innovation. The web or Wi-Fi must be overhauled so all territories inside the college has a rapid web get to that is crucial for everybody.
To finish up i would say, as a pioneer I need to consider each and every subtle element of the issues to turn out with the best arrangement both for the establishment and the understudies of LUCT .Leadership is a typical and very basic word yet rather extremely troublesome word to characterize because of its multifaceted nature and multifaceted creation.
3-Random word Association The issue is offices
Transportation ,investing much energy holding up the transport on a hot sunny climate as the transport stop is restricted to sit for few students.also,that make us late for the classes and we couldn’t generally take taxi as its costly for us as an understudy
online Registration. As a college there ought to be an online enlistment for understudies toward the end of every semester that make understudies be prepared and realize what they are going to study. However manual enlistment is not that terrible but rather we are tired for looking and sitting tight for a great deal of stamps and marks .
Aircondtion.most of the classes not furnished with aerates and cools and there is no systems for upkeeps if there is an issue and a few classes which has aerate and cool is extremely chilly
4-library.Library is so little and there are no spaces for study, one all the more thing the majority of the books we are in need not gave by any stretch of the imagination.
Lap .the vast majority of the laps we have measurement not upheld with obliged gadgets that we have to settle our ventures ,so we generally go to purchase stuffs from the business sector to our work ,likewise the laps we have its classes too and the seats are constrained.
cleaning .the greater part of the spots are not clean, for example, toilets .
Glass Replacement. continuously breakdown.
Playgrounds.there is no such a spots for understudies to do sport activists and appreciate. As a college it ought to make courts and fields for understudies to practice their diversions.
parking.one of the huge issues is stopping, the stopping is so little and when we have classes we are squandering our time discover stopping, that make us stop on the wrong way and we get from police and charge
Exercises .there are no action projects chose from the college for understudies ,no rivalries no game exercises
communication.wondering why wouldn’t we be able to have our teachers HP to contact by and by once need to ask anything, that would pleasant and simple keeping contact with the addresses
Web benefits .the web is moderate and we even can’t utilize wifi on our portable
Free water. no free water for understudies like place water in better places for understudies to drink ,this is one of the straightforward thing that can understudy has.
Visa.for worldwide understudies they confront huge issue once they need make a procedure for visa and the expenses is so expesive,and on time we present our identification for visa our entry specifically hindered for a considerable length of time till get the visa. Consequently our records not dynamic and we couldn’t get the notes to study.
Transportation , is a standout amongst the most fundamental things that associate the understudies between their lodging and college
online Registration. To help understudies register online and its one of the great offices that univieisty can bring for understudies
3-Aircondtion.without aerates and cools there is no classes
Lab .getting a labs furnished with cutting edge devises is necessary for understudies to do preparing
cleaning . understudies require a clean domain
Glass Replace
Juxtaposition With Description Below:
Juxtaposition is a putting of two components or words next to each other and letting the peruser or viewer to analyze them. This demonstration thinks about and contrast the two components and can demonstrate incongruity, amusingness or pity.
Title: characteristics of initiative
leadership creativity

leadership courage
Leadership grows from courage and integrity, and their seeds lie in everyone. These character traits are primarily learned, not innate. And no matter what your past or present, cultivating their role in your life can make your future bolder, more decisive and more successful.

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